
Uncover nutritional secrets & elevate your well-being.

Uncover nutritional secrets &

elevate your well-being.

Kickstart your health journey with my carefully crafted Mini Holistic Nutrition & Wellness E-Course. This thoughtfully designed program combines education, practical guidance, and nourishing recipes to elevate your understanding of nutrition.

Recognizing that not everyone can afford a professional or dedicate extensive time to their health journey, this Kickstart course is aptly named – designed to empower you without breaking the bank and to save you valuable time, offering a budget-friendly alternative to kickstart your path to improving your health.

Hi, I'm Bri!

I've spent the last decade unraveling the mystery of sustainable healthy eating.

I understand the struggles of navigating a world where many conventional foods can leave us feeling less than our best. As a passionate self-taught cook, I've honed a specialty in crafting delicious and nourishing vegan recipes.

My mission goes beyond mere nutrition; it's about fostering a harmonious relationship with food. I've had the privilege of helping numerous women transform their connection with what they eat. I've developed a unique formula for achieving the balance we all yearn for but often find elusive.

I created something for everyone so you can uncover the secrets to not only eating for vitality but also savoring the joy that a nourished body and mind can bring.

Together, let's redefine what it means to live a truly well-nourished life.


What's Inside...
  • Introductory Video: Begin your journey with a warm welcome and a guided overview of the course structure.
  • 25-Minute Holistic Nutrition Education Video: Dive deep into the principles of holistic nutrition, gain insights into American food culture, and master the art of navigating the grocery store with confidence.
  • A 14-Day Whole Food & Anti-Inflammatory Meal Plan: Delight your taste buds with a carefully curated meal plan that balances nutrition and flavor. All recipes are included, ensuring a seamless culinary experience. Recipes offer opportunity to make them your own and provide you a simple structure to make your kitchen journey as easy as possible.
  • Meal Planning Templates: Simplify your meal planning process with our user-friendly templates. Tailor your meals to your preferences and dietary needs effortlessly.
  • Goal Planning Section: Set meaningful health and wellness goals with our dedicated goal planning section. Empower yourself to achieve sustainable, positive changes.
  • Resource Library: Access a wealth of resources, including additional reading materials, helpful tips, and bonus content to enhance your holistic journey.
  • Supportive Community: Join a vibrant community of like-minded individuals who share your passion for holistic well-being.

Don't take my word, take theirs.




Contact me holisticallybri@gmail.com for support or questions.

© Holistically Bri, LLC 2023 All rights reserved

Contact me holisticallybri@gmail.com for support or questions.

© Holistically Bri, LLC 2023 All rights reserved